Trying to stay oriented…

Disorientation is a common occurrence in the hospital…for both the patients and the doctors. As a result of interrupted sleep, being kept indoors 24/7, and fact that you spend each day doing the same thing you did the day before, it’s not uncommon to forget what day it is, where you are, and at times, even your own name. Patient’s family members are encouraged to place pictures, clocks and calendars in the rooms to help their loved ones keep reality in check. After just taking part in my first ever “black weekend”, I’m beginning to wonder if I need to start carrying around my own little reminders.
For those of you who are less than familiar with this term, a black weekend means you’re on call for 12 days straight. Maybe this doesn’t sound like a big deal to most of you, but it’s left me feeling confused. This is the first time in my life that a “weekend” didn’t mean a break from the norm. Sure I usually spend these “breaks” studying…but you get my point. To be honest, I didn’t even realize today was Sunday (and therefore my day to post a recipe) until I was walking home from work today. I’m feeling kind of disoriented… I guess I’m only A+O x 2.
Maybe the “black weekend” isn’t really a valid excuse, but that’s what I’m gonna use to explain why I have no recipe to share this week. Instead, I’m going to leave you with a couple pictures of the people that help keep me oriented.

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