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Category Archives: Vegetarian
Mixed Green & Potato Soup
One of the reasons I like cooking with vegetables better than with meat is that I find sterile technique a little tricky. Take the OR, for instance: If you’re scrubbed in, you can only touch the green/blue stuff and the … Continue reading
Posted in Soup, Vegetarian
Tagged city fresh, green, potato, soup, sterile technique, vegetarian
Baba Ghanouj…Take one
For every dish that’s ever made it to my “favorite foods” list, there is always one particular person/place/restaraunt that makes the best version of said dish. I can attempt to make the recipe myself, but it never turns out quite … Continue reading
Posted in Dip, Snacks, Vegetarian
Roasted Garlic, Walnut, & Honey Compound Butter
My living situation with Ari sounds like the beginning of a cruel ethnic joke. “An Indian and a Jew move into a house together…” In some ways we do live up to the tightfisted stereotype. We make a weekly pilgrimage … Continue reading
Couscous with Eggplant-Harissa Sauce
(This is Anita, switching with Ari this week for Rosh Hashanah) I know what you jerks are thinking, so I’m just going to come out and say it: it looks like someone left a tiny little misdeed on top of my … Continue reading