Sriracha Salt

I’ve never met a plate of food I didn’t like. I’m not saying that I love all the food I eat, but if you put food in front of me, I’ll eat it…and most likely enjoy it. If my taste buds aren’t super enthused with the first bite, I typically add one of two things to turn the dish around – salt or sriracha (mmmm sriracha)…Granted, I have a salt tooth (as opposed to sweet tooth) and I tend to think food isn’t adequately spicy if my nose isn’t actively running, so I might be biased in my opinion of these “cure-alls”, but if they’re so delicious as individual condiments, why not combine them?
Given my obsession with Sriracha, I’m a little surprised it took almost a year to get my hands on The Sriracha Cookbook, but as they say, good things come to those who wait (or those who procrastinate?). This is only my first attempt at one of the 50 rhinorrhea-inducing recipes, and it was well worth the wait. Be sure to stay tuned for more “rooster sauce” flavored treats!

(Adapted from The Sriracha Cookbook)

What you need:

  • 1/2 cup coarse kosher salt
  • 5 tsp sriracha
What you need to do:
  1. Combine the salt with the sriracha and mix thoroughly.
  2. Spread out the mixture on a baking dish and set in a warm, dry location.
  3. Let dry for 1-2 days (I let it sit out for 2 days, but it was pretty dry after 1 day).
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12 Responses to Sriracha Salt

  1. Mandy says:

    This is genius!! I’m a sriracha addict & use it in everything. I will definitely be doing this…and I might just have to get that sriracha cookbook as well!

  2. Nikki B says:

    Ditto the above, for me. Thanks for posting! And I loved your term “rhinorrhea” and will use it often!!! :-). Happy New Year!

  3. Emily says:

    Thank you so much for posting this! My fiancee loves Sriracha and the kids and I will be making this for him for Father’s Day this year! We are very excited to make something for him that he will like!

  4. Jen says:

    Great for Christmas gifts! Inexpensive but fabulous!

  5. Mary Lonnevik says:

    What are the recommend uses for Sriracha Salt? I\’m asking because I\’m thinking of people I might gift this to but what are some suggested uses that I could include? I found you through Pinterest. You have a nice site.

    • Ari says:

      If you want to use it by itself, it would be fun to use it to rim a martini glass or with tequila shots. Otherwise it can be added to olive oil for a bread dip or in any recipe calling for coarse salt. The flavor will be more apparent in something that doesn’t require cooking.

  6. David Rocco says:

    This salt would be an amazing accent to add to scrambled eggs, hard boiled eggs or an omelet. Spicy salt compliments eggs really well.

  7. helle says:

    I totally wanna do this as a gift for my dad, but i was wondering if you know how long this salt will stay good for use? 🙂

  8. Mira says:

    You may have just made a couple folks in my family\’s Christmas stockings. Thanks!

  9. Crystal Shepard says:

    This stuff is killer on popcorn!

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