The Feast of the Assumption

It’s here!  The biggest celebration in Little Italy, the Feast of the Assumption, will be held this weekend in the streets surrounding our residence.
The Assumption is a Catholic tradition honoring the assumption of the Virgin Mary into heaven, and is officially remembered on August 15.  For residents of Little Italy it means a crush of people in an already busy little neighborhood.  Every night there will be music and food for sale on Mayfield Road.  I wanted to share a few pictures of Little Italy in it’s natural state — it will soon be unrecognizable with vendors and crowds.  To be honest, the Feast food is not as good as the stuff you can buy at the restaurants on any other night, but I can never resist anyway.
Last year I couldn’t sleep well during the  feast because of the noise, so this weekend I scheduled my first overnight call at the hospital.  Friday night I’ll be at the feast trying to stay up all night to prepare myself for Saturday night.  Hope to see you in Little Italy!
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