Halloumi Cheese and Tomato Salad

One of the most amazing things about having this blog is the immense satisfaction that comes with the random compliment on a particular recipe, or the occasional “I love Braised Anatomy!” I’m not saying it happens all that often, but there’s no denying the little surge of pride I get anytime it does. Given that I spend the vast majority of each day being taken down quite a few notches every time I don’t know that answer to a question, or not feeling like I’m good enough to be in the OR since I was standing 2 inches too far away from the operating table, it’s really nice to have the occasional ego boost. The blog is one of the things I’m most proud of. It’s something that was born out of a true passion for food and cooking, and its that passion that has kept it going…well the passion and the fact that I’m a total sucker for compliments…
I think that most other food bloggers would agree that nothing is more satisfying than when another blogger feels your recipe is good enough to be replicated. Well we here at BA have just received an even bigger compliment – someone has made a video of one of our recipes (and a beautiful video at that)! Check out this awesome take on visually appealing cooking. Shout out to Samantha Abernathy for her awesome video and the must needed ego boost!
Now on to this week’s recipe. This salad is one of the tastier things I’ve made in a while, and well worth the extra trip to the grocery store for Halloumi Cheese. For those of who are aren’t familiar with this particular lactiferous delicacy, halloumi is a traditional Greek cheese with a high melting point that can be grilled or fried…basically it brings a whole new delicious meaning to “grilled cheese”.
(Adapted from The Dabble)

What you need (enough for 2 fairly large servings):

  • 1/2 lb halloumi cheese, cut into 2 slices
  • 1 lb tomatoes, chopped
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 tsp chopped fresh rosemary
  • 1/2 cup fresh basil, minced
  • 1-2 tbs capers
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
What you need to do:
  1. In a large dish, mix together the oil, garlic, rosemary and capers. Add the slices of cheese, coat them in the marinade, cover and marinate for about 1 hour.
  2. Heat a gast iron skillet on the stove under medium-high heat. Grill the marinated cheese (save the marinade) until it starts to brown (about 3 minutes per side).
  3. Cut the cheese into bite-sized pieces then mix together with the tomatoes, basil and remaining marinade. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Serve with bread or eat as is. Enjoy!
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