Mint-Tea Chocolate Frappuccino

I was finally able to blend something in a mason jar!  This is supposed to create a mini-blender; just find a jar with a mouth the same size as the back end of your blender, drop some stuff you like into it, attach it to the blender motor, blade, and sealing ring, and go for it.  You might get a little leaking so make sure you give it a trial.  Afterward, find a cap and leave with it.


  • Mint tea ice cubes.  Heat enough milk to fill 7/12 cubes in a ice cube tray, then add a bag of mint tea to the milk and let it steep for at least 10 minutes.  Afterward, pour the milk into the ice cube tray.
  • Use cold black coffee, or make instant coffee to your liking and fill the remaining 5 ice cubes.  Put the tray in the freezer.
  • The day of the making, put it all in the blender with a little milk and 2-3 tsp of brown sugar.  If it’s not blending well, wait a little bit for the ice cubes to thaw.  Blend.
  • Top with chopped chocolate.  I actually used some previously melted chocolate that I had frozen in a ziplock bag and then broke up with my hands.  Easy.  This is almost too thick for a straw, so thin as necessary.
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