The School of Medicine is a Candy Trap

I hope I’m not alienating our other(?) readers with this post; hopefully, you’ll be able to relate when you think of your own school/workplace.
Exhibit A:  All of the places where I can find candy or baked goods on the 4th floor of the school of medicine:
CWRU SOM sugar crash
I’m a candy junky.  On a particularly stressful day on the 4th floor I’ll hit one place after the other, searching for my next fix.  On occasion, I’ll change up the style of my stride in hopes that the nice ladies in their cubicles at the registrar office don’t realize I’m not two different students pilfering mini Twix bars from their bowl.  Candy consumption often reaches meal-sized proportions.  At the end of the day, when the only office left open is Dean Haynie’s, I will even resort to the diabetic, sugar-free candies that taste like old lady
Exhibit B: The Registrar Office Candy Bowl.  At 9am.

Candy Bowl at the Registrar

Yes, I know, it’s bad.  I’m telling you this because (warning: self-absorbed New Years Resolution) I’m giving up added sugar and artificial sweeteners until 2nd year ends in March.  That means no more baked goods, soda, candy, JIF peanut butter, sweetened coffee, and the like.  I’ll make allowances for a little sugar in savory food.  This is happening for several boring reasons, but one that might interest you — when I was abroad a couple years ago I accidentally went without desserts of any kind for about a month.  My first piece of chocolate was.  Amazing.  I want that unjaded feeling again.  More reasons forthcoming if I stick with this and you stick with me.  Thanks for reading!
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