Life Changes with a side of Kale and Apple Salad with Cilantro-Lime Dressing

Sorry I’ve been gone for a while. Simply put, I’ve been a little distracted…intentionally distracted, that is.

As Anita pointed out, we have spent the last 5 months (in truth, the last 2 years) working toward and desperately awaiting the day when we find out where we’ll actually begin our careers as physicians – me in general surgery, and anita in orthopedic surgery…that’s right we’re gonna be two BA surgeons (you can interpret BA however you choose). The problem with all this waiting is that I tend to ruminate on the “worst case scenario”. I try to prepare myself for the worst so in the event that happens, I’m at least a little bit ready to face it (I know that sounds bad, but that’s just how my brain works).

In an attempt to distract myself from my overly anxious mind, my S.O. (that’s interview speak for “significant other”) and I decided to embark on a 4 week road trip. And it was during those four weeks that we managed to:

1. Cover over 7000 miles in my Honda Fit (and only get stuck once)

2. Visit 7 national parks (plus a few state parks)

3. Survive camping out in 15 degree weather

5. Stay in a Yurt

5. Spend over a week with my best friend (and meet my new best friend – Charlie Brown)

6. Make out with a giraffe

7. Oh right…and I got engaged

All in all, it was a very effective distraction tactic. So effective, in fact, that I barely had time to unpack my bags and gather my negative thoughts before match day arrived. And with that, I’m happy to announce that Anita and I will be taking out talents to…

Anita – Ortho @ Wash U                                                    Ari (& fiance)- Gen Surg @ Michigan

Okay. Now that I’ve made my excuses for not posting in a while, and finally had to opportunity to tell all of you about the big changes in our lives, I guess I can go ahead and present you with my new favorite recipe – kale and apple salad with cilantro-lime dressing.


  • 1 bundle of raw kale, deveined and chopped
  • 3-4 medium sized apples (Pink Ladies are great in this salad), chopped
  • 3 medium sized limes, juiced (about 1/3-1/2 cup fresh lime juice)
  • 1/3 cup oil (a combination of olive oil and coconut oil is my favorite)
  • 1 bunch of cilantro, roughly chopped
  • 1-2 cloves garlic, minced (be careful not too add too much because raw garlic is pretty powerful)
  • 1 tbs honey
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  1. Add the lime juice, oil, cilantro, garlic, honey, salt and pepper to a blender and blend until the cilantro is pretty much pulverized. 
  2. In a large bowl mix together the chopped kale and apples.
  3. Pour dressing over salad and toss.
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