Please Support the West Side Market’s Fire Renovations

I’m sure most Clevelanders and some Cleveland-ophiles have heard about the fire that took place early in the morning on January 30th inside the West Side Market, a Cleveland food landmark built out of an old train station.  When visitors ask me about Cleveland, the WSM is the first thing I talk about.  Not only did I work there–I forged friendships there.

The fire happened while the WSM was closed, so no one was hurt.  But there was significant damage to the building, which needs to be cleaned “brick by brick” and won’t be fully open for a while.  The good news is, apparently this is the first chance in years for the WSM to get deep cleaned — it may look even better when they’re done.  My friend Liza, who went to Case for undergrad, alerted me to a cool way to support the cleanup:Image of SUPPORT THE WESTSIDE MARKETClick on the T-shirt above to link to CLE Clothing, an online shop that is selling these shirts to help fund the renovations.  The Market, in its essence, is a bunch of people working hard to make food-seekers happy…help them to continue the tradition.
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