Breakfast In A Jar

Life is good.
I’m one week into my surgery rotation, and despite the fact that this has lead me to discover a new realm of exhaustion, I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed school more. I’m like a little kid in a organ-shaped-candy store every time I set foot in the OR. There’s no way to describe the excitement (or is it anxiety?) that pulses through my body every time I get the chance to throw a stitch, tie a knot, make an incision, drive the scope, or even hold back a fat pad. I’m sure the residents look at me and can’t help but laugh at how naive I am…but then again, maybe they remember just how exciting it was to be discovering all of this for the first time. It’s a good thing we have to wear masks during surgery, otherwise everyone would be able to see the fact that I spend the majority of each case with my mouth hanging open in total awe of what we’re doing.
One of the more interesting discoveries I’ve made is that somehow I have an unlimited amount of energy while I’m in the hospital, but the moment I set foot in the “real world”, I feel like I’ve just been run over by an 18 wheeler. It’s only for the 6-9 hours spent outside of the hospital each day that I realize just how tired I am, and it’s within those 6-9 hours that I need to find enough time to eat dinner, prepare food for tomorrow, write my notes, study for tomorrow’s cases…oh yeah, and sleep. In order to maximize the time spent sleeping, I have been working on cutting down on my morning routine…and I’m proud to announce it now takes me 30 minutes to make it from rolling out of bed to walking into the hospital. Instead of scrambling to get everything finished in the morning I spend a little time the night before packing my lunch, throwing everything into my backpack, and, most importantly, making my breakfast. I realize that I still have to take the time to do all that stuff, but sleeping in to 4:15 rather than 4:00 makes all the difference in the world…or at least that’s what I keep telling myself.
So now I’d like to send a shout out and thank you to the amazing sisters of The Healthy Kitch’n for making my morning routine both quicker and more nutritious. Thanks to their “Peanut Butter Jar Oatmeal” I now have something tasty to shovel into my mouth as I toss on my clothes in the morning. It only takes me about 2 minutes to prepare the meal the night before, and those 2 minutes are totally worth it.

(Adapted from The Healthy Kitch’n)

What you need:

  • An old jar
  • 3/4 cup plain yogurt
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1 ripe banana, sliced
  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  • Cinnamon, to taste
  • Chocolate Chips (optional)
What you need to do:
  1. Add all the ingredients listed above to the jar.
  2. Stir to mix.
  3. Refrigerate overnight.
  4. Eat while hurriedly throwing on your clothes, tossing you hair in a pony tail and rubbing concealer under your eyes to hide the dark circles.
  5. Recognize that you now feel energized from your super fast, super tasty, and super healthy breakfast!
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