Sorry we’ve been MIA for the past month. Between the holidays and interview season we’ve been spending the majority of our time out of the kitchen, and jet setting around the country…and by jet setting I mean traveling as cheaply as possible because interview season is putting a major dent in my available funds. In fact, I’ve put over 7,000 miles on my car in the last 2 months…and in a related story, my karaoke and car-dancing-skills are at their all time best!
Now that I’m home, I have the luxury of both sleep and free time – much of which has been spent with my family,
my cat,

and in my beloved Goodwill.
And now you might be asking yourself – why on earth would this girl be so excited about a thrift store? Because somehow Goodwill always provides me with whatever my heart desires…and my heart has been desirin’ a mini donut maker. They say desire can make anyone a fool, and if so call me a fool – a very happy fool with a belly full of baked donuts.
A few months ago I started seeing recipes for mini donut makers, and immediately I was smitten. Donuts are one thing, but mini donuts – Whoa. Be still my heart. As time went on, my smitten-ness turned into desire, and before I new it, Goodwill provided (for only $5!). Am I a luck girl or what!?

my new friend
For my first attempt at mini donuts I decided not to risk producing a total flop, so I followed a recipe from a source that has yet to lead my astray in my baking endeavors – King Arthur Flour Recipes. I selected the “Pumpkin Cake Donuts“, and I do not regret my decision. My only suggestion is if you’re making these as mini donuts, cut the recipe in half…unless you have a lot of friends whose faces you’re ready to stuff. I promise to start playing with new (possibly healthier) recipes to use with my new toy. In the meantime, I’m gonna get back to hanging out with my family.
Happy New Year Everyone!!