Mexican Street Food

For the past four days I’ve been in Cozumel, Mexico spending some much needed time with vitamin D (aka lounging on the beach). To be honest, this trip has been so much more than that. Yesterday, I had the pleasure of celebrating the wedding of two of my best friends, Van and Jon. It was an absolutely beautiful wedding, and it was a good thing the bright sun permitted the use of sunglasses because we were all in tears (ah chem…that’s right boys, I saw you…we were ALL in tears).  It was a wonderful evening, and the perfect way to start what will undoubtedly be one of the most loving relationships I’ve ever seen.
Along with the wedding festivities, my friend Jackie and I decided to venture to the “mainland” today and visit the Mayan ruins. We left the resort with next to no idea as to how to get there, but after a taxi ride, bus ride, ferry ride and a lot of walking (all of which took about 3.5 hours), we made it to Tulum, Mx. Needless to say, it was breathtaking. It was incredibly tranquil and allowed for some quiet meditation…basically, a nice break from the normal rush and endless work of med school. We visited this magnificent site for three or four hours (on vacation you don’t have to wear a watch), then decided to make our way back to the island.

Before hopping on the ferry to head back to the resort, we stopped at an unassuming building for some delicious Mexican food. If you know me at all, you know that I’m obsessed with the Latino culture. My obsession is centered around the language, tradition, and especially the food. So this tiny restaurant was basically a dream come true for me. For only 30 pesos (about $2.40) we were served fresh tortillas, beans, rice, chorizo with vegetables and horchata. The horchata was a new experience for me. It’s a cool drink comprised of rice milk, nutmeg, sugar, and what I must assume is a little bit of cinnamon. It’s a refreshing drink that goes perfectly with spicy chorizo (topped with habanero sauce of course). While this post will not be revealing the recipe for this dish, it is somethign that I am going to have to attempt to recreate at home, and once I’ve managed to make something at least partially as good as this meal, I promise to share it with all of you. Until then, I will have to leave you with some tasty pictures, and the simple phrase, “hasta luego!”

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