Revised Eggs Benedict

If any of you know me, then you’re familiar with my egg obsession. Aside from Chipotle burrito bowls (yum), eggs are my favorite food. You can do so many things with them! They’re good in breakfast, lunch, first dinner…second dinner. They’re a necessary ingredient in almost any dessert, whether we’re talking ice cream or muffins. I think the best way to sum up the wonders of this ingredient is by referring to it by its proper name: The Incredible Edible Egg (check out this website for fun facts and recipes – all starring EGGS).
Given all this fanfare, it’s probably no surprise that the recipe we’re sharing today has eggs as the main ingredient. So sound the trumpets (dun dun duhhh), today’s recipe is “Poached Eggs with Lox and Hollandaise Sauce on an English Muffin”… The title is quite a mouth full (horrible pun intended). Just as a warning, this is a breakfast that’s definitely on the heavier side, but something that will satisfy the creamy-food-lover in all of us.

Quick side note, I realize that if you’re on a med student’s food budget, lox (aka smoked salmon) can be a little pricey. I recommend going to Costco or Sam’s Club and buying the large slab of smoked salmon, then freezing the extra. It keeps surprisingly well in the freezer and only takes an hour or so to defrost if you freeze it in small enough sections.

What you need:

  • 4 English Muffins
  • 4 Eggs
  • 4 Slices of Smoked Salmon
  • 2 tsp of Rice Vinegar (for poaching the eggs)
  • Hollandiase Sauce (recipe below)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Capers (optional)

What you need to do:

  1. Make the hollandaise sauce (see below)
  2. Poach the eggs (I found it easier to use a spoon to keep the egg whites together, but the can idea is a easy way to get started if you’ve never poached an egg before. Don’t forget to add the vinegar!!)
  3. While the eggs are cooking, toast the english muffins.
  4. Plate the lox on top of the english muffins then add the egg and hollandaise sauce.
  5. Top off with salt and pepper. Add capers for a little extra flavor!
  6. Enjoy!

Photos taken by Michael Cover

Hollandaise Sauce – What you need:

  • 4 Egg Yolks
  • 1 tbs Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
  • 1/2 cup Unsalted Butter (melted)
  • Cayenne and Salt (to taste)

Hollandaise Sauce – What you need to do:

  1. Heat butter in sauce pan.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk together egg yolks, lemon juice and salt.
  3. Remove sauce pan from heat and slowly add (while whisking) egg yolk, lemon juice and salt.
  4. Return to heat and continue whisking until the mixture thickens slightly
  5. Serve immediately
(Side note, when making the hollandaise sauce I added the egg yolks to the sauce pan when the butter was a little too hot which caused them to congeal slightly. Be careful of this and make sure you whisk thoroughly when adding the mixture to ensure this doesn’t happen.)
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