Monthly Archives: July 2010

Green Galette

aka Priya & Andrew’s Visit (Part 1/3) This week Ari and I planned a special meal for my sister and brother-in-law, who were moving from a suburb of Philly to St. Louis. Priya and Andrew are accomplished and, at 29, … Continue reading

Posted in Vegetarian | 3 Comments

Spiced Muffins with Dark Chocolate and Raisins

It’s a Sunday night and we’re watching Friends reruns (best show ever). The characters are sitting in Central Perk, drinking coffee and eating muffins…mmmmm….muffins. (Adapted from How to Cook Everything) What you need: 3 tbs melted (unsalted) butter 2 cups … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Dessert | 4 Comments

Garlic Scape and Basil Pesto

One of the many awesome things about Cleveland is the program that I will lovingly refer to as City Fresh. Every Tuesday we head over to the City Fresh stand with our empty grocery bag and pick up a bountiful … Continue reading

Posted in Pasta, Vegetarian | 5 Comments