Absence makes the heart grow fonder…

We made about 120 of these gift boxes to take home the delicious treat made by the mother of the groom…we’ll have to get her to do a guest post showing off her baking skills!

Sorry. I know it’s been a while. Maybe I should have written…called even. It’s not that I haven’t been thinking about you. It’s just…well…I’ve been busy. I swear! It’s not you, it’s me.
Okay, in all seriousness, I really have missed you guys, but my mind has been elsewhere for the last couple weeks and my posts have suffered because of it. Between my best friend’s wedding and the first half of my 4th year boards (only one exam left in med school!!!), cooking has kind of fallen by the wayside. But I promise I’ll be back this Sunday with a very special post I’ve been planning for quite some time. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with some pictures of the things distracting me for the last couple weeks.

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